Following a video of President Veazey sharing his own baptismal story, Cindy Rugg brought the message.  After reflecting on some memories from her baptism, Cindy reminded us that baptism is all about making a commitment to following Jesus.  As an eight year old child, we may not understand that, but as adults, hopefully we do.

Cindy focused on the meaning of commitment and practical ways that we can demonstrate it.  We may be tempted to look at the “big” ways that others demonstrate their commitment and feel less than adequate in our own efforts.  Cindy used a story about a World Service Corp minister who unknowingly was able to share the gospel through lollipops to help us realize that being a committed disciple is demonstrated through practical, every day acts of service.

We each have different gifts that were given to us by God.  We can use those in our own unique ways to serve.  When Cindy’s Mom was housebound, she was able to provide ministry by making phone calls.  Inevitably, those call were received at just the right time!

Each Sunday, we have the opportunity to come together and recommit ourselves as a community to serving God together and to be followers of Jesus.  Won’t you join us?