As we began the journey through Lent as a congregation, we shared in a period of reflection using Doctrine and Covenants 163:2(b).

Generously share the invitation, ministries, and sacraments through which people can encounter the Living Christ who heals and reconciles through redemptive relationships in sacred community.  The restoring of persons to healthy or righteous relationships with God, others, themselves, and the earth is at the heart of the purpose of your journey as a people of faith.

• Relationship with God:  Where do you resist the movement of the Holy in your life?  How are you invited to tend your deepest longing for God?

• Relationship with Others:  What relationships feel broken or strained that are especially present in your heart right now?  How are you invited to move toward wholeness and restoration in your relationships with others?

• Relationship with Self:  When do you neglect your own well-being or fail to live fully as your true self?  How are you invited to move toward wholeness within and participate in the nurturing of your own soul?

I invite you to consider these questions in your own period of reflection and see where you sense the Spirit leading you to tend and restore relationships.