[02/10/2019] The message for today was given by Bob Rugg.  Bob referenced a number of scriptures in his talk, including the lectionary scripture from Luke 5:1-11.  Faith can be like a roller coaster.  Sometimes our faith is strong and sometimes it is not, but it is personal to each one.

Jesus’ ministry was often shared one-on-one, which is the same way we often have opportunity to tell others about it (one-on-one).

Whether we realize it or not, we each have a story that others would benefit from hearing.  We need to be aware of and ready to share that story…the story of what God has and is doing for us.

What is your story?  Have you shared it with anyone lately?

Mission Prayer
God –
Where will your Spirit lead today?
Help me be fully awake and ready to respond.
Grant me courage to risk something new
and become a blessing of your love and peace.