Bob Rugg brought the message today: Jesus is calling you ___ to what?
His message emphasized that you’re not being called to anger, or to pain and suffering.  Instead, he suggested, you are a being called to bring about Hope and Peace.

Bob used every day examples about how life’s circumstances do not always lead us to where we ‘think’ we should be at in life.  Sometimes we struggle and wonder ‘Why Me’ – but the answer is that we are put through those circumstances so that we can better share with others.  So we can understand what another has gone through and be there to provide hope and peace to them.

Bob also shared that all God requires us to do is walk humbly, live peacefully, and share with our neighbors.  The question (Jesus is calling you… to what?) is an individual question – but in the end, Bob suggests Jesus is calling each of us to Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy